What To Do With My Deceased Wife’s Wedding Ring?

By Kathy •  Updated: 11/17/21 •  3 min read

Most people in the world give their wedding rings to their spouses as a symbol of the relationship they have and an acknowledgement of the commitment they are making to each other. When a couple gets married, there is usually a period of time when the ring is worn for a while before it is given away. The wedding ring can be worn by the person who is still alive, as well as by their spouses after they have passed away. If you are in need of ideas on what to do with your deceased wife’s wedding ring, you can find some useful tips here.

The History Of The Wedding Ring

A wedding ring used to be known as an engagement ring and was traditionally given by one man to another woman as a sign that he intended to make her his wife. The man who gave the ring had to be certain that the woman he was proposing to was the right one for him, and that he wanted to marry her. If he was not sure, or if he was uncertain of his feelings for her, then he would not give her the ring. In many cases, a man would take a woman’s hand in his and place a ring on it as a sign of commitment and promise. If a woman did not want to marry the man who gave her the ring, she could throw it away after wearing it for a while. This was usually because she had been promised to someone else by her parents and did not want to marry them or anyone else.

The Importance Of Keeping The Wedding Ring

Many people do not want to keep their deceased spouse’s wedding ring because they feel that it will bring back painful memories or that it will be disrespectful. If you are in this situation, you should consider keeping the ring because it is important to remember that a wedding ring is a very significant symbol of the relationship between two people and it can help to remember and remind people of the person who used to wear it.

You should make sure that you get it insured for any value so that if something happens to it, you will be able to replace it with something else which has the same meaning as the original one. It is also important for you to try and keep this piece of jewelry in good condition so that it does not tarnish or lose its original shine and color.

If your spouse had taken good care of their wedding ring throughout their marriage, there is no reason why you should not take good care of theirs as well. In most cases, it is not an issue to replace a wedding ring if it gets damaged or lost because there are plenty of places where you can get it repaired.

You should also find out if there are any other items that your wife wanted to be passed on to her family members or friends.

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Kathy is a freelance writer who specializes in writing about all aspects of a wedding—from the planning to the event itself. She graduated from the University of Technology in Sydney (yes, Australia!), with a degree in media and communication. She also became an American citizen and loves her new home country. Kathy has somewhat of a boho spirit and enjoys some great rock-n-roll music. She is married and enjoys working from home with her husband, who’s also a writer. They both try to get out as often as possible by taking long walks, visiting wineries on the weekend, and more. While they don’t yet have kids, Kathy and her husband have plans to expand their family in the next year or two!