How to Address Save the Date Envelopes

By Kathy •  Updated: 01/10/21 •  6 min read

Are you trying to plan your wedding? First of all, congratulations! Now the real hard work begins as you want to make your special day as magical as possible. While choosing the wedding dress is one of the priorities, you also need to think about who you are going to be inviting to your special day. Then you will have to make sure that your guests know they are invited. You can do this through save the date cards.

Sending Saving the Date Cards

When you get engaged, you know there is a lot of planning to do for your wedding. In particular, you need to let your guests know that you have a date for your big day and there is a location you have in mind. The official way to do this and the way a lot of couples like to announce their wedding is through saving the date cards. These are sent out to all guests to let them know they are officially invited to the wedding. Indeed, they create excitement and make sure your guests anticipate their official invite.


Save the date cards can be printed by a company or created by hand. The design and type that you have is completely up to you. You can have a lot of fun with them. If you are having a small wedding, you might want to make them handmade and really show off your style. Large weddings may benefit from choosing an online printer to create the style you want. But one thing you will have to know is how to address the save the date envelopes. This is often a job that you have to do yourself and it is important to get it right. Otherwise, your guests are not going to receive their note of your wedding.

How to Create Save the Date Envelopes

While you may have thought creating save the dates were simple, a lot of people realize they do not know what they are doing when they sit down to do them. In particular, how to address them can mean you delay the process since it is not common to send a lot of letters out anymore. Indeed, everybody wants to know what the right etiquette is and how they can make sure that their desired guests are going to attend their special day.

You will be glad to know that your save the dates are going to be simple and more casual than you would expect. In fact, they are easier to do than wedding invitations. It is all about grabbing your guest’s attention, making it clear who is going to be invited and ensuring they know what is happening. Here is how you can create save the date envelopes for your guests.

Include the Full Address

You want to make sure that your save the date cards are going to reach the recipients. In other words, you need to include the full address of your guests on the envelope. This can also be a nice formality even if you are not posting the save the date cards. Therefore, make sure that you have the correct and up-to-date address available for each of your guests. This should include the street name, city and state. Always double-check the zip code too.

If you are sending save the date cards abroad and to some of your international guests, it will be important to check the rules. The last thing you want is to follow the wrong instructions and for them not to receive your save the dates. Thus, check the rules of that country before you head over to mail them.



Say Who is Invited

This may seem like an obvious tip when you are addressing your save the date cards and envelope. However, you will be surprised how many people do not actually say who is going to be invited to the wedding. This can cause problems if there are several people living in the household that you are sending it to. Thus, make sure that you state clearly who is going to be invited to your wedding in the future.

There are no rules when it comes to how you write the names of your guests. However, a lot of brides and grooms like to have formality to create excitement for their special day. In other words, you may want to avoid nicknames or any funny names you have for friends and family. Of course, you want to ensure that your guests feel welcome so if you do feel like this is going to do the trick, you can do this. You can also choose to use titles if you wish to. Again, this is going to depend on the level of formality you are going for in your save the dates.


Another good reason to state clearly who is invited to your special day is so that you do not have any unexpected guests. For example, if they are allowed a plus one to the wedding, it is best to state this as soon as possible. In addition, for people that have multiple children, name any children that are invited. This also allows those parents to make arrangements when it comes to childcare and to ensure they can make it to your wedding. The more notice you can give someone, the more likely they are to come to your special day.

State a Return Address

It is always a good idea to include a return address on your save the date envelopes. This is going to make sure that if anything goes wrong and an envelope gets lost, it can be returned to you. This way, you can have an idea of the guests that have not received their save the date and you can send another one. The best way to do this is to write the return address on the top left corner of the envelope. Alternatively, you can write it on the back.

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Kathy is a freelance writer who specializes in writing about all aspects of a wedding—from the planning to the event itself. She graduated from the University of Technology in Sydney (yes, Australia!), with a degree in media and communication. She also became an American citizen and loves her new home country. Kathy has somewhat of a boho spirit and enjoys some great rock-n-roll music. She is married and enjoys working from home with her husband, who’s also a writer. They both try to get out as often as possible by taking long walks, visiting wineries on the weekend, and more. While they don’t yet have kids, Kathy and her husband have plans to expand their family in the next year or two!